Monday, September 20, 2010

Monday Musings: Exhaustion

Spent the weekend writing, writing, writing. Managed 6 chapters and half the synopsis. (Also did laundry, exercised, vacuumed, went to Michael's because I had a 50% off coupon that expired Saturday, and watched Amazing Wedding Cakes.)

Probably could have done the whole synopsis if I didn't want TV but the brain needed rest.


Picking up my puppy today! I'm really excited and can't wait. So no writing tonight, but tomorrow I'm reading over all 12 completed chapters, finishing the synopsis, and Wednesday morning sending it out.

Why, you ask, am I not finishing the whole thing? Because this editor knows it's not done, and has asked for a partial anyway. I love this editor. :) So she'll get 24K of 95K words and a lovely synopsis and then I'll sit and wait while she reads it.

Yes, and finish the story. Must finish this story...and the Egyptian Contemporary one. And the other one...what was that? I had another story half finished that got shoved to the side because of these. Man, my brain is fried.

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