Friday, February 6, 2009

Upcoming Regency Research

An unusual Regency historical, that is. I'm looking forward to researching this since it's outside my comfort zone. I've been thinking about this for a while and no I don't mean the period itself! Outside the box. Outside the comfort zone.

Watched The Immortal Voyage of Captain Drake last night on the SciFi channel (one of their better movies) and had this idea. It had nothing whatsoever to do with the movie or even Adian Paul and yet there you have it.

The time frame itself is easy enough, late 1700s very early 1800s but I know very little about India and the Napoleonic Wars fought there. We'll see how it progresses. After Gareth and Arabella's story that is, which I'm working on today. I plan to get a good chunk of that story soon as I stop goofing off on the computer!

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