Thursday, August 4, 2011

Indie book stores

Last week I read that Jay Z and Kanye West's new album release will be exclusively on iTunes & Best Buy for 2 weeks prior to being released in other stores. The article explained how such deals hurt indie record stores.

Whatever mega-money they're getting with such a deal I hope they realize just how deeply it'll hurt small business owners.

I prefer indie stores to big names. Given the chance, I'll happily pay slighty more to support a local business rather than a multi-billion dollar retailer who can't even find me on the map. I don't shop at Best Buy any more despite their so-called greatest selection. (I'm sure the kids working there think they know it all, but the lack of training is abismal and downright embarassing. Spend a day and a little money and actually train them. Everyone will be happier for it!)

All that said, and despite my like of the Sears Appliance Center and Macy's, I don't have indie music or book stores near me! I have a B&N about 20 minutes away, so their online site is a permanent bookmark on my favorites toolbar. Gets me my music & DVDs, too.

Which brings me around to self-publishing & the indie book store. How can I help them when most of my stuff is e-book only? They don't have websites where I can download books from, nor do they have a shipping option.

I'm open to options, I'm open to any dialog on this. What are your thoughts? And indie bookstore owners, how can we help?

And don't forget Tuesday August 8, Sonya Clark is joining me here to talk about her release, Mojo Queen. Maybe you can find it at your local indie bookstore.

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