Having always
been a lover of books, Robin attributes her creativity to the wonderful
overseas adventures she has shared with her husband of 15 years. Traveling
throughout Europe and having lived in England, opened her mind and with that
came a steady stream of story ideas inspired by her author-idols in the
suspense/thriller genre.
published her debut mystery/suspense novel, Redwood Violet in March of 2013.
And in September 2013, the much-anticipated sequel, All the Shiny Things
(Redwood Violet II), was released. Both have become Amazon Bestsellers! Now,
Beyond the Clearing has also joined the list!
Her latest novel, Landslide, was released in July, 2014. This exciting
corporate thriller reveals Robin’s unique voice yet again.
Claire booted up the desktop and logged into her work email.
As she waited for the files to download, a flash of lightning appeared through
the window, followed by a startling clap of thunder. Sleep would be elusive for
her tonight if this storm continued. A light sleeper anyway, Claire would be
hard pressed to block out the noise.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
- At any given time do you work on only one story at a time and maybe plot out the next one or are there many ideas racing around your head?
A: I
generally only have the story I’m working on running through my mind, working
out plot issues or things of that nature. That being said, usually around the
end of the first draft, I start to think of the next story. The idea is often fairly
abstract, but starts to form to a greater extent as I wrap up editing the
current book. When I first started writing, I had tons of ideas, but now I rely
on mind’s ability to structure thoughts in a manner so that they come to me
when I need them. Sounds odd, I know. I can’t really explain how it works, I’m just
grateful the ideas keep coming!
2. Is there a genre you haven't written in but would like to? Or wish you could write in?
2. Is there a genre you haven't written in but would like to? Or wish you could write in?
A: Absolutely! I am a huge fan of the Lord of the Rings
trilogy, Game of Thrones and well, Harry Potter of course. I love those
stories. I really wish I had the mindset to create such amazing worlds and
throngs of unique and interesting characters. My stories usually consist of a
handful of characters that I explore in great detail, but developing monsters
and dwarves and other villains really takes something that I just don’t
possess. I admire those writers for their work, but that’s not to say that I
don’t think other authors in my genre, including myself, don’t work hard to
create meaningful and interesting worlds. Ours are just based on reality and
not fantasy.
3. Do you add an element of romantic suspense in your stories?
3. Do you add an element of romantic suspense in your stories?
A; Yes. Most definitely. Although no one would consider the
books I write to be in the romance genre, I believe an important element
present in all of my stories is romantic suspense, at least to an extent. I
suppose this latest book, Landslide, probably explores that idea more so than
my others. The main character, Claire McKenna, is faced with desire that
threatens to turn deadly. It’s an exciting element I enjoy writing about.
4. Say you have unlimited funds: What kind of writing office/cottage would you create for yourself?
4. Say you have unlimited funds: What kind of writing office/cottage would you create for yourself?
A: Oh my, what a wonderful question. I can picture it now. A
seaside home, my office looking out onto the Pacific Ocean, sitting at my
whitewashed antique writing desk. My windows opened and the cool sea breeze
floating in along with the sound of the waves lapping against the shore. Yeah.
Something like that!
5. If you could turn your novel into a TV show, which novel or series would you do? Where would it be set? Network TV (ABC, NBC, CBS), Cable (AMC, BBC, Lifetime) or Premium Cable (HBO, Showtime, Starz)?
5. If you could turn your novel into a TV show, which novel or series would you do? Where would it be set? Network TV (ABC, NBC, CBS), Cable (AMC, BBC, Lifetime) or Premium Cable (HBO, Showtime, Starz)?
A: Definitely my Redwood Violet series. It’s a great crime
drama that would lend itself well to a mini-series. It would have to be on a
cable channel, due to the content and I would think HBO would do well. I’ve
imagined this happening probably a little too often. Maybe someday.
6. Finally, tell us about your latest release!
6. Finally, tell us about your latest release!
A: Ah yes. Landslide. Well,
this is a story about a woman who has worked very hard, plugging away at her
job, hoping for recognition. And when that recognition finally comes, it seems
to come with a price. One that might just be too high. Her family is her top
priority and when it appears that they might be in danger, watch out! Claire
McKenna isn’t about to let anyone hurt them. Not only has she taken on the task
of clearing her friend’s name, who, by the way, has just been accused of
embezzlement at the firm where they both work, she uncovers a conspiracy that
could threaten everyone she loves. It’s really very exciting and I hope the
readers enjoy it!
Where to Buy:

The desk drawer below contained her reading glasses that
were a necessary evil, although she was only thirty-seven. Most likely the
result of spending much of her time staring at computer screens. Sliding them
onto her face, she clicked on the email attachments and began reviewing the
reports Beth had sent over.
Claire began to see a pattern that had not presented itself
prior to this month’s figures as she scrolled through the file. Comparing her
hours with that of her junior colleague’s, it wasn’t adding up.
It was her responsibility to review the timesheets and
expense reports for Sea-Tech each month before handing them over to Beth, which
she had already done a few days ago as per usual. So why were these reports
showing additional hours posted against her client? Was it possible she’d
missed something in Lucas’ submittal? Anything was possible, but this error
would have been a serious one had Beth not brought it to her attention.
Sea-Tech wouldn’t have been happy about an additional several thousand dollars
in consulting fees.
A final attempt to make sense out of the numbers came when
she accessed the main server and retrieved the original account files,
comparing her notes and timesheets against Beth’s report.
What the hell?
Robin will be awarding a $25 Amazon gift card to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour
I bet that if you gave the monsters and dwarves a shot you would be great at it! Don't doubt yourself :)
Great interview.
Thank you for hosting
I liked the interview. And the book sounds like an interesting reading.
Thank you so much for hosting me today! I enjoyed the interview :)
You're all too kind! Thanks for stopping by to read the great interview these guys put together for me and for checking out the blurb :)
Fascinating excerpt. I really enjoyed it.
Great interview and congrats to Robin
Nice interview
Great interview.
Love the excerpt and great interview!
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