Today it's my great pleasure to welcome Susan Macatee today and tomorrow. Her newest story, Sweet Redemption, which comes out on Veteran's Day, 11-11-09. I've read this excerpt, as well as all Susan's other books, and I can't wait for this book! Plus, if you leave a comment or question (or both *G*) you'll be entered to win a copy of Sweet Redemption!
I’m delighted to be a guest on your blog today, Isabel! Here’s the blurb and an excerpt from my newest release.
Sweet Redemption
Vampire romance
Available November 11th from The Wild Rose Press
On a cold December night, Union infantry captain, Jonathan Hackett is pinned down on the Fredericksburg battlefield trying to escape Confederate fire. But a creature of the night, more dangerous than any enemy soldier, stalks him. Jon must fight for his life as well as his soul. Maddie Emery has lost everything dear to her. Her husband and parents had passed on and her brothers are off fighting in the Confederate Army. She’s alone, trying single-handedly to hold onto her family’s farm, when a Yankee soldier collapses across her stoop. Maddie and Jon form and bond of love and desire, but as Jon exhibits signs of becoming the creature he fears most, is their love enough to fight off the evil of a centuries old vampire bent on destroying them?
And tomorrow Isabel will be interviewing Jonathan Hackett! And all those who leave a comment on the interview post will be entered in a drawing to win a pdf copy of Sweet Redemption.

Vampire romance
Available November 11th from The Wild Rose Press
On a cold December night, Union infantry captain, Jonathan Hackett is pinned down on the Fredericksburg battlefield trying to escape Confederate fire. But a creature of the night, more dangerous than any enemy soldier, stalks him. Jon must fight for his life as well as his soul. Maddie Emery has lost everything dear to her. Her husband and parents had passed on and her brothers are off fighting in the Confederate Army. She’s alone, trying single-handedly to hold onto her family’s farm, when a Yankee soldier collapses across her stoop. Maddie and Jon form and bond of love and desire, but as Jon exhibits signs of becoming the creature he fears most, is their love enough to fight off the evil of a centuries old vampire bent on destroying them?
Those knocks were not made by a wolf, but he suspected the wolf had something to do with Reverend Arnwolf. “Is the wolf his minion, or can he transform himself?” he said, under his breath.Thanks again for having me, Isabel!
“What?” Mrs. Emery moved close. Her scent invaded his thoughts. “Please, tell me what’s going on?”
Jon sighed. “When I said I was attacked by a wild dog, I lied.” He moved back to the settee and sat, his hands dangling between his knees.
She sat beside him, but held herself ramrod straight. “What or who attacked you?”
“I was pinned down on the battlefield. Spent the night in the freezing cold. All of my men had died. A man appeared. Claimed to be a minister from Austria.” Jon grimaced as he recalled Arnwolf’s blood-red eyes and the sharp pierce of his fangs as they entered Jon’s throat. “He offered to help me, but...instead he led me to an abandoned barn and attacked me.”
Mrs. Emery gasped. “You’re not saying this man—”
“He bit me on the throat.” Jon pushed his hand through his hair. “I don’t know exactly what he is, but he’s not human.”
“That’s who you believe was at the door?”
Jon nodded. “I don’t know how, but I now have a connection to him.” He fingered the bumps on his throat. “I know things about him I shouldn’t possibly know.”
And tomorrow Isabel will be interviewing Jonathan Hackett! And all those who leave a comment on the interview post will be entered in a drawing to win a pdf copy of Sweet Redemption.
Thanks, again, Isabel! I want everyone to pop over to my blog for the blurb and excerpt from Isabel's novella, Shadow State. And be sure to leave a comment over there for a chance to win the Got Wolf? taming of the Wolf anthology.
It's always a pleasure, Susan. Glad you could stop by!
Best of luck with your new book, Susan. You write such great stories and I know this one rocks. Great cover, by the way!!!
Hello, Susan! Wow, a Civil War vampire story. Very interesting idea. Wish you great sales!
Great excerpt, Susan! I love vamps as well as Civil War stories. Can't wait to read it. Best of luck and I wish you many sales.
Oh yes - waving vigorously to darling Isabel :)
Mickey! So glad you stopped by. I'm going to pop over to your reading tonight, it's save on my desktop so I don't forget. And hey, just bought your book for my library. ;)
Susan's books are fantastic. She really knows her stuff. I'm at her blog today:
Ooh, Susan, you gave me chill bumps. Best of luck with your book, and may you have a million sales!
Hi Susan and Isabel!
I know this story is a great one because I've read parts of it. ;-)
Congratulations on the release of this fascinating story.
Thanks for stopping by everyone! I've been out all afternoon and just got online.
I really do love the cover for this novella! Nicola Martinez did a fantastic job with the descriptions I gave her.
Can't wait for release day next Wednesday!
Oh no! You got me hooked again. I am gonna look for this. Good luck with your book Susan, I hope you sell tons of them!
That excerpt gave me the creeps, enough to have to read it!
I have to know what happened to him.
SWEET REDEMPTION sounds fabulous. It combines two of my very favorite things: vampires and the Civil War. How did you come up with the idea to combine these two aspects? I'm loving it!
Hi, Mary and Debra! Actually, the original idea to combine vampires and the Civil War was used in my short story, Eternity Waits. The story is also a stand alone e-book available now at The Wild Rose Press.
Since my other CW stories are straight historical, or time travels, I decided I wanted to do another vampire story to join ET in the Black Rose line, so came up with the idea for Sweet Redemption.
Hi Susan,
Intresting excerpt.Nice cover. I am sure this is going to be another of your great stories.
Thanks, Margaret!
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