Friday, September 25, 2009

New great reviews!

Two Home Shopping Network readers enjoyed my books!

Lizzee from MN had this to say about Dark Desires of the Druids I: Murder and Magick

I got the historical package and have found one or two new authors that I'd read again. I can't say I thought all of the books were great, but did enjoy Isabel Roman's Dark Druid

And Christinereader from NJ had this to say about Kiss of Scandal

I started with "Kiss of Scandal", since I don't remember reading a Russian historical. WOW! I could literally feel the weather, almost as a character in the story. I wanted to curl up under a blanket to get out of the cold Russian winter! And it was in the low 80s when I read the story!

She then went on to say she'd read Murder and Magick next. Pretty cool!


Michelle said...

Hey - awesome! Congratulations! Nice to hear other people figuring out what *I* already knew. :P

Anonymous said...

Awesome. I'm so happy. I knew if people would just read your books they would be converts. It sucks that some of the others weren't as strong but maybe the next HSN box can be ALL ISABEL ROMAN. :D :D

- Emily K.

Isabel Roman said...

Thanks, Michelle! *G*

Emily, as always, thank you so much for your support! I'm ALL FOR an all-Isabel Roman box set, lol!

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