Thursday, August 23, 2007

The Warrior Heiress

Seems I've decided. Might change, you never know. I'm finicky like that.

I also need to cut 40 more words from the story. I'm submitting it to Ellora's Cave for their anthology series, and since it's a short story it has to be between 10K and 13K words...I had 14, 237. I've cut and cut and cut and still need to cut 40 more words. It's rough, let me tell you.

I've read through the story twice already, and need to leave it be for a day or so before going through it again. I really love it, and would hate to be rejected solely on the basis that I didn't follow their rules.

Today is the more mundane aspects of daily life, chores. Tomorrow, word cutting. *Sigh*

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