Tuesday, June 26, 2007


I consider myself a hard working woman. I like it when things are finished, and I don't mind working until they're done. In saying that, I find myself at a bit of a loss to describe why it's been a week since I've written anything. Can my non-writing life be that busy? Well, yes. It sucks up your time and energy. makes you wish for the days of less technology. OK, not really. Still, I'd love to get 10 hours of sleep a night, wake up and get what I have to done, and STILL have time for all the writing I want to do.

Laundry gets in the way, keeping the kitchen clean (and why is that always the first place that's messy? It's not like I cook.), and so on and so on and so on. It's never-ending I say. And I'm exhausted just thinking about it. Still, I find myself with a few minutes and think I should write something. I think it'll make me feel better.

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