Arby Corry
has spent the last twenty-five years in the radio business. Performing every
job from radio announcer, to program director, to commercial producer to copy
writer, Arby gives voice to characters found just on the other end of the
request line. Her debut novel,
Heart-Shaped Stone, has received critical acclaim as well as delighting readers
with its fresh approach. Arby believes in real characters, with real voices.
And while a happy ending is always satisfying, she believes life has other
plans. When not on the air or writing her follow-up to Heart-Shaped Stone, Arby
enjoys spending time with her husband, children and the great outdoors of the
Pacific Northwest.
At any given time do you work on only one story at a time and maybe plot out
the next one or are there many ideas racing around your head? I wish it weren’t
true, but there are many ideas floating in my head, racing, more accurately.
However, currently it’s all about the follow-up to Heart-Shaped Stone. This
book wants, needs, no, requires, a follow-up and I’ve had many ask me when it’s
on its way. Soon.
Is there a genre you haven't written in but would like to? Or wish you could
write in? Comedy. I think I could likely do this as it’s sort of my background,
having worked in the radio business for years and performed morning shows, but
it takes great finesse and I really admire those who can do it right. The thing
about writing comedy is it’s sort of like comics who perform on stage – either
you’re really good at it, or you really shouldn’t have sold everything you own,
moved to Hollywood and given up that pretty decent day job.
Do you add an element of romantic suspense in your stories? Well, the genre for
Heart-Shaped Stone is all about Romantic Suspense. However, it didn’t start off
that way. All I knew going in was that it was going to be a love story. I
weren’t sure where we were going, or how we were going to get there, but I love
a good love story and a complicated one all the more. My story just took the
direction it was meant to have, I suppose. Do I think all stories should
incorporate Romantic Suspense? No, just the ones I want to read!

If you could turn your novel into a TV show, which novel or series would you
do? Where would it be set? Network TV (ABC, NBC, CBS), Cable (AMC, BBC,
Lifetime) or Premium Cable (HBO, Showtime, Starz)? As much as it pains me to
say, this is truly a Lifetime made for TV movie! I love that network, so why am
I knocking it? I think that comes with “falling in love” with your story. I
want the best for it and would hate to see it relegated to the Saturday night
lineup just before that infomercial for pantyhose. I kid, but it really does
fit the network – romance, suspense, intrigue, deception, it has Lifetime
written all over it. The only exception, there is quite a steamy love scene in
Heart-Shaped Stone and they’d either have to water that down or heavily edit.
If not then we’re headed for HBO for sure!
Finally, tell us about your latest release! Caila, like most dreamers, just wants to be
wanted. Unlike most dreamers, she's wanted by the CIA.
When the last decade of thirty-two year old Caila Domenici’s life
disappears, destroyed in a car accident, she is forced to begin again. Defying
doctor’s orders to slow-go-it, she sets out to navigate the world on her own.
It's not going well. Coddled from birth, everything from a bus schedule to how
to boil water confounds her. Worse yet, she's about to accept her meddling
mother's offer to pay for food and rent. With just a hunch her talents extend
beyond that of daughter of privilege, Caila searches for her past. Before she
can find it, it finds her. And the handsome azure-eyed stranger who’s saying he
knows her is somehow part of it.
Caila always believed there had to be more, but now, on the verge of
discovering the truth, she must decide which is worse – never knowing who she really
is, or knowing too much.
Reese was being too nice. Something was up - their deep
conversation the night before, the bubble bath, the tea, turning down her bed
and now breakfast? Caila wasn’t suspicious by nature, and in most cases trusted
more than she should, but where Reese was concerned she dropped all pretenses
and questioned his every move. He was much too calculating to not see
opportunity in everything he did. Caila recognized that in him right away. Her
mind was now churning with theories. Why, if he was up to something, would he
be so blatant with this sudden kindness? Did he think she would not notice?
Then she imagined the most unexpected thing.
Maybe he wasn’t up to anything at all. Maybe this was
another side to the man she detested right from the start. The invader, the man
who came to make her life a living hell and push aside her father may not,
after all, be the man she believed him to be. But even that theory was short
lived. No, she thought, he has a motive.
Arby Corry will be awarding $50 Amazon/BN GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour!
Thanks for hosting!
It's a fun interview!
Trix, vitajex(at)Aol(Dot)com
I enjoyed the interview.
Enjoyed the interview. Well, OK, if your book was made into a movie, who do you see playing the main characters?
Thank you for hosting Isabel!
Hi Karen...hmm, well I admittedly got some help from my daughter in law on this one - Mary Elizabeth Winstead for my main character, and (this one was my choice) Michael Fastbender for the male lead!
Thanks for a great author interview!
An interesting interview thank you.
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