Thursday, August 14, 2014

#Interview for Three Black Boys by @ZangbaThomson

Zangba Thomson is the Creative Director at BME LLC, the author of Three Black Boys: Tomorrow After Supper, co-author of Do Right Do Good (a self-help guide book towards vision fulfillment and entrepreneurship), a recording artist, and New York Life Coach Examiner. Zangba balances his career and family time on the scale of hard work and dedication, and his main areas of focus include his real life experiences, metaphysics, and spirituality. Zangba's work reinforces the basic idea that goals are fulfilled when right decisions are made. Please visit his website.

Self Confidence: The motivational force behind Zangba Thomson’s success

Every author by now knows what a difference a boost of self-confidence can make to one’s career. With it, you can succeed abundantly, but without it, you can fail miserably before completing a single book project.

Self-confidence is defined as a realistic assurance in one’s own power, ability or better judgment. But to me, self-confidence is that unseen motivator—an attitude booster that has enabled me, and countless amounts of other authors—to overcome many fears and obstacles—on our long journeys towards vision fulfillment.

But how is self-confidence obtained, and most importantly—where can it be acquired? According to Napoleon Hill, widely considered one of the greatest writers on success—stated that the law of autosuggestion, when applied every day, could aid anyone in acquiring self-confidence. If you continuously repeat to yourself that you have confidence in your ability to succeed—you will gradually influence your subconscious mind to think successfully.

“All impulses of thought have a tendency to clothe themselves in their physical equivalent,” Hill stated in Think and Grow Rich, one of the best-selling books of all time. “The subconscious mind will translate into reality a thought driven by fear—just as readily as it will translate into reality a thought driven by courage.”

So, according to Hill—what we think—we become, and it’s not unusual for a person with self-confidence to think decisively. In their mind, they will never doubt their ability to succeed. But a person who doesn’t have self-confidence, he or she will think indecisively because subconsciously—they do not believe in their ability to prosper.

“The moment you doubt whether you can fly, you cease forever to be able to do it.” ~ J.M. Barrie, the creator of Peter Pan

So every waking moment, while writing my debut novel, “Three Black Boys: Tomorrow After Supper,” I thought, spoke and believed that I was—a published and well-respected author. Many distractions came and many distractions went, but through it all—I remained focused by tricking my subconscious mind into believing that I was again—a published and well-respected author, and in doing so—I became extremely determine to finish writing the book that I had started writing months prior, and through my hard work and dedication—I became a published and well-respected author, but one important fact stuck out like a sore thumb—my self-confidence was at an all-time high when I prevailed against all odds. I used autosuggestion—to get me to start believing in myself, and once I had enough self-confidence, I succeeded in being a published and well-respected author—and you can too.

In conclusion, I want to end this motivational/testimonial article with Mel Blanc’s famous catchphrase, “That’s All Folks!” And I want to thank Isabel Roman’s Sexy Adventures—Passionate Tales for hosting this wonderful blogging event, and also I want to thank Goddess Fish Promotions for the hard work that they are doing—in regards to organizing this magnificent “Virtual Name Before the Masses Tour” for Three Black Boys: Tomorrow After Supper. (PEACE) and always remember that (P) Positive, (E) Energy, (A) Always, (C) Creates, (E) Elevation.  


Teenagers spring into dangerous action to obtain financial aid for a woman who has only a month to live. The setting is Queens, N.Y., home to Babita Harris, an Indian immigrant plagued with the deadly black fever disease. With a couple of months to live, Babita only hope of survival is a costly liver transplant. But with no health insurance, the chance of a surgery is slim. What she needs is a quarter of a million dollars in cash. Barnes, her only son, along with his two friends, Demus and Baker, spring into dangerous action to get the money. Although their road is paved with good intentions, the brothers in arms will experience more than they have ever experienced before.

Where to Buy: Amazon


Thousands of light years away from the Devil’s Lair, between Earth and the fourth dimension, is Barnes, standing inside a dark passageway to the afterlife. With both of his hands folded before him, he is ushered into the Great Balance Chamber by an unimaginable creature. Barnes is frightened when he sees the Chief God of Justice and other anciently dressed high official gods. He sits in a chair designed with Aramaic letterings, and out the corner of his eye, towards his left hand side, he sees the Scale of Truth and Deceit. The Chief God of Justice, ready to perform the weighing of the heart ceremony, bangs his Staff of Life into an oval shaped instrument, and an indescribable sound echoes throughout the Great Balance Chamber.

“The Scale of Truth and Deceit will decide if your heart is pure or not,” says the Chief God of Justice in a thunderous tone of voice. “If you are innocent and speak the truth, you will be set free to prepare for your great journey through the Valley of the Shadow of Death. But if you are found guilty, of an abundance of lies and deceit, you will be sentenced to a second death, which means your soul and your spirit will be destroyed!”

Zangda will be awarding a digital copy of Three Black Boys: Tomorrow After Supper or a Bong Mines Clothing T-shirt (winner's choice) to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour. (US ONLY)


Bong Mines Entertainment said...

I want to thank Isabel Roman’s Sexy Adventures Passionate Tales - for hosting this wonderful event, and I will be here all day - welcoming readers and responding to comments.

bn100 said...

Nice post

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