Wednesday, September 24, 2008


On a writing group I'm on we're talking about depression and writing. Not that the 2 go hand-in-hand but it seems that one does affect the other. Without writing, we get depressed. So we write to make ourselves feel better even though we're not published yet. And for some of us, it's taken years to get even this far with no contract in sight. So we're depressed...see? One giant circle of grief.

Luckily, fate intervened and I now have a contract! It's what I've worked for over the years, and I'm thrilled, beyond thrilled. Check out the new e-publisher, Ravenous Romance. They're not live yet but will be December.

As for the wait...these 5 or so years have been worth it. I've learned a lot, met fantastic people, and wrote a story I'm proud of. Several, in fact!

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