Monday, May 5, 2008


I've been more than a little busy the past few weeks and haven't had time to write let alone blog. I've plotted 2 stories, revised 1 more, thought about a finished one but haven't had time to go back to it, and really wish for more sleep.

Losing momentum: I know I have. I was on a great roll up until the end of April and then suddenly, nada. It had nothing to do with losing either mojo or muse, simply didn't care. I didn't want to write, didn't want to do much of anything writing-related. Strangely enough, after 8 hours physical labor outside yesterday, I've found my motivation.

Allergy attack, too, but I'm once more in the right frame of mind to work. And it feeeeellllssss good!


Anonymous said...

How I understand how the muse works. Victorian is a great era! There isn't enough set in Victorian times anymore...

Isabel Roman said...

There isn't enough set in Victorian times anymore...

There's more and more, but I agree. For an era that spans so many years you'd think more would be set during it.

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